¥110 税込
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心臓の鼓動が鮮明に感じられる、激しい脈動が魅力の「動脈 Artery 【BGM】」。夕暮れの風景に合わせた独自のBGMが、まるで自分の心臓が奏でているかのような感覚を生み出します。リラックスしたい時や集中力を高めたい時に最適なBGMです。
「動脈 Artery 【BGM】」は、心臓の脈動を感じながら、自分自身と音楽との一体感を楽しむことができます。特に夕暮れの時間に耳にすると、落ち着きと刺激が同居したエモーショナルな体験を演出します。心地良いリズムに身を委ね、日常の疲れを忘れましょう。
Artery [BGM]" has an appealing, intense pulsation that makes the heart beat vividly. The unique background music, set to the scenery of dusk, creates the sensation as if your own heart is playing. This is the perfect BGM for when you want to relax or improve your concentration.
Artery [BGM]" allows you to enjoy a sense of oneness between yourself and the music while feeling the pulsation of your heart. Especially when you listen to it at dusk, it creates an emotional experience that is both calming and stimulating. Lose yourself in the soothing rhythm and forget the fatigue of everyday life.
Bring this special background music into your own world and enjoy a new musical experience!
¥110 税込