¥110 税込
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街灯が幻想的に照らす、雨の降る暗がり。そんな特別なひとときを演出する音楽があります。それは雨の降る暗がりに 。暗闇と雨の音に包まれながら、不思議な世界へと連れて行ってくれる作品です。
The streetlights illuminate fantastically in the darkness of a rainy day. There is music that creates such a special moment. It is the music in the dark when it is raining. This piece takes you to a mysterious world, surrounded by darkness and the sound of rain.
This music can be enjoyed in various scenes, not only on rainy days. For example, we recommend listening to it at the time when the sun begins to set. Why not let yourself go in a space surrounded by darkness?
¥110 税込